Telstra has knocked AU$40 off its NBN 250 and NBN 1000 plans for new users

If you’re a thrifty NBN user you’re probably jumping between plans according to which provider offers the better deal on any given month. Plenty don’t lock you into a contract, so if you see NBN 250 or NBN 1000 going cheap, and want to enjoy high speeds at low costs it while it lasts, there’s nothing stopping you except time. 

If you’ve got the time and want to spend the effort, Telstra is currently offering AU$40 off per month both its Superfast NBN 250 and Ultrafast NBN 1000 plans. Telstra tends to be a bit pricier than the competition, but AU$100 a month for NBN 250 is great—it’s usually AU$140 a month with Telstra, and this offer throws in a three-month subscription to Binge as well.

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