Genshin Impact: Theater Mechanicus 2.0

The Theater Mechanicus is back in Genshin Impact. Originally introduced during the Lantern Rite Festival in February, this tower defense minigame has made its way from Liyue to Inazuma. To gain access to it, you’ll need to reach Adventure Rank 30 and complete the “Ritou Escape Plan” stage in Act I of the Inazuma Archon quest. If you meet these requirements, go to Inazuma City and talk to an NPC named Komakata so she can let you try the new activity. Anyway, here’s our Genshin Impact Theater Mechanicus 2.0 – Stage of Wonders guide to help you out with stage challenges, rewards, the best towers to use, Wondrous Stick buffs, Wondrous Talismans, and various gameplay tips.

Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub, as well as our overview for the version 2.0 update.


Genshin Impact: Theater Mechanicus 2.0 – Stage of Wonders guide

Although the Theater Mechanicus 2.0 event in Genshin Impact follows some core concepts that we’ve seen from its first iteration, there are many tweaks and new features that come into play. We’ll tackle these in the succeeding pages, as well as in separate guides:

Note 1: Not all towers are available by default. You’ll need to complete more matches to gain Mechanicus Mastery experience. By increasing your rank, you’ll unlock additional towers down the line. As of today, there are four stages (i.e., maps) that are available, allowing you to gain a maximum of 3,000 Mechanicus Mastery. Since additional stages will be added in the coming days, you can expect a maximum of 8,000 Mechanicus Mastery once the event ends.

Note 2: The Theater Mechanicus 2.0 – Stage of Wonders event in Genshin Impact runs from August 12 until August 26. However, the event shop will remain open until August 30.

Genshin Impact Theater Mechanicus 2.0 Guide Stage Of Wonders 1a

PC Invasion – FeedDDD

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