Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Siege of Paris DLC will let you “pat all the cats in Evreux”

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has one more major piece of DLC before it moves into its second year of content, and we haven’t had many details on the Siege of Paris expansion just yet. But this week, trophies for the DLC popped up in the PSN back-end, offering us a decent idea of what to expect from the broader structure of the campaign and some of the optional activities.

It looks like the expansion is once again territory-based, as one of the unlockables asks you to “complete all territories of Francia”. You’ll fight three Frankish nobles, fight a “ghost auroch”, and get to go into Death cosplay with a wieldable scythe and a ‘Reaper’ armour set. There’s also a set of ‘rebel missions’ to take on, which lets you build an ‘infamy’ level for an as-yet-unclear purpose.

Most importantly, there’s a trophy called ‘Pat the Cats’, which asks you to “pat all the cats in Evreux”. Valhalla’s got some of the best animal-petting in triple-A videogames, and I look forward to being rewarded for giving some thorough skritches to all those chonky Norman cats.

This likely means the Siege of Paris release date is coming within the next few weeks, as the Wrath of the Druids DLC launched in a similar period after its trophies surfaced.

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Some fans claim to have seen a Microsoft Store listing claiming that Siege of Paris would launch on August 5, but we’ve been unable to independently verify that. We’ve reached out to Ubisoft for further info.

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