Battlefield 2042 might not have a story campaign but it’s getting a short film •

And it’s debuting next week.

If it’s story you want with your Battlefield 2042 now that Dice has confirmed there won’t be a single-player campaign this time around, your next best thing might very well be arriving in the form of an official short film tie-in set to debut next week.

Dice announced the existence of its new “standalone” cinematic short, titled Exodus, over on Twitter earlier today, revealing the mini-movie will detail the events that ultimately “trigger an all-out war” within the universe of 2042.

As Eurogamer’s Martin Robinson explained earlier this year, despite Battlefield 2042 eschewing a solo campaign to focus on multiplayer, it does still play out against a narrative backdrop: a humanitarian crisis brought about by climate change, where nomadic refugees known as No-Pats take up arms as the United States and Russia engage in “all-out war”.

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It’s probably not too outlandish to surmise that’s the very same war getting the exposition treatment in Dice’s newly announced short film, but all will be revealed when it makes its YouTube debut next Thursday, 12th August, at 4pm in the UK/8am PDT.

Battlefield 2042 – Official Reveal Trailer.

As for what comes next, design director Daniel Berlin previously explained Dice would be expanding on Battlefield 2042’s “narrative driven world” as its various live service seasons play out following the game’s PC, PlayStation, and Xbox launch on 22nd October.

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