Boxing Star’s latest update introduces new League 11, protective gear, patches and more | Articles

Boxing Stars, 4:33’s boxing game has announced a new league 22 expansion in its League Mode. To be promoted to League 11, players will have to reach 8,000 points. The League 10 Achievement Rewards and the Star Points Progress Rewards will also be tweaked to the lower requirements.

The sponsor system has been refurbished and received some major improvements. An entirely new user interface has been implemented for the Sponsor System, giving it a much newer and fresher look. The maximum Sponsor Level that the player can have has also been raised. This will help you receive more benefits like HP recovery and an increase in Attack skills.

Boxers will also have the ability to purchase six new pieces of protective gear for themselves. These can be obtained through two methods:

  1. By purchasing the gear through the in-game Shop Catalogue
  2. 2. Opening a victory package to receive the new Protective Gear

The gear, known as the Cybernetic Protective Gear Potential Power, will be available in an event until 9th September at 00:00 UTC. During this period, the levels required to unlock the Cyber Mouthguard Set and Cyber Protector Set Potential Powers will be lowered.

You don’t actually need to play to receive rewards either. Players can literally receive in-game items by simply accessing the game daily. Daily rewards include Gym Points, Gold, and the Hand of God Omega Box. Another little bonus you can get by accessing the game is the ability to snag 3rd Anniversary Character Costumes. So, just remember to log in to the game!

4:33 has also patched some of the issues that have been affecting gameplay. An issues, where the ASTRO Omega Box was not getting received in the inbox after winning it, has been patched, an issue when the S-Coin cost did not display for the Daily Mission Reset button has been fixed and the ‘view ad’ button for the SWANK Entourage Daily Missions Reset has been removed.

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