Ahead of Bungie’s big Witch Queen showcase today, several key details on the expansion have been revealed by an early listing on the Australian PlayStation Store. The expansion is set for a release date of February 22, and will add a new area to explore and a brand new weapon type for the FPS game.
As spotted by TrueTrophies, prior to being taken down, the Australian PS Store listing mentioned a release date of February 23, 2024 – which works out to be February 22 for time zones earlier than Australia’s, which lies relatively close to the International Date Line. The Witch Queen expansion had been delayed earlier this year, and so far Bungie has only officially revealed that it would be arriving “in the early half” of 2024.
Savathûn’s Throne World will be a new patrol zone for Guardians to visit, and the listing described a palace and a swamp as key locations in a “fragile balance of power.” Guardians will have to “delve into Savathûn’s Throne World to uncover the mystery of how she and her Lucent Hive stole the Light.”
Here’s the latest teaser:
The new weapon type hinted at in the store description is called the Glaive, and it sounds as though it’s Destiny 2’s first melee-ranged hybrid weapon. It allows for “powerful melee combos” as well as having ranged projectile attacks and a deployable energy shield. TrueTrophies also notes that there’s talk of a new weapon crafting system that will allow players to put together custom weapons that have unique mods, shaders, and stats.
All this will likely be discussed at some length during today’s Witch Queen Showcase event Bungie is holding on Twitch in just over an hour. We have more details on that here if you’re planning on tuning in.
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