Foreclosed Review (PS5) | Push Square

Foreclosed is a story-driven, third-person shooter set in a cyberpunk world where people are augmented with implants at birth. As a result, inhabitants are essentially corporation property as soon as they leave the womb, and this unsettling thought is at the heart of the game’s narrative.

You play as Evan Kapnos, a rather generic protagonist who’s on the brink of having his implants taken away by the powers that be. But there’s a conspiracy at play here, and Evan has unknowingly stepped into a tangled web of corporate espionage and dodgy dealings. Early on, he’s recruited by someone who claims to have answers — but getting to them requires shooting your way through a series of goon-infested levels.

If you can look past the awkwardly monotone voice acting, Foreclosed’s approach to storytelling is the best thing about it. The game’s chopped up into comicbook-style panels, granting different visual perspectives during both cutscenes and gameplay. It looks cool and it’s well implemented — it’s just a shame that Foreclosed fumbles just about everything else across its short three-hour campaign.

The gunplay’s the biggest problem here. Regardless of sensitivity settings, trying to aim your implant-enhanced firearm is an exercise in frustration. What’s more, the game’s braindead enemies are inhumanly accurate, and with no dedicated cover system, just trying to fight your way across a room feels unfair. Well, not just unfair — it simply feels bad to play, and it gets much worse as tougher foes are introduced later on.

A small range of unlockable augments do make things a touch more bearable, but Evan can barely activate a single skill before his implants start overheating and you’re forced to stop what you’re doing. We think Foreclosed is meant to be played like a run-and-gun, ability-popping shooter — but the execution misses the mark almost completely.

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