Fortnite fans complain Loki is too horny •

Norse god and Disney+ star Loki is now available in Fortnite, resplendent in his original Avengers movie outfit. Sign up to the game’s £10 Fortnite Crew subscription in June and you’ll get Loki for yourself, horns and all.

But it is those horns which are causing a problem for some fans, who have said the mischievous god’s headpiece simply blocks too much of their view.

I’ve played a few games now as Loki and haven’t seen as much of an issue as the images being shared on reddit, such as the one below. I think this is probably angled to make the problem look as bad as possible, although yes, Loki’s enormous helmet is certainly quite distracting.

I love Loki, but PLEASE Epic Games, add a style where you can take off the horns/make the horns smaller like in the Loki show from r/FortNiteBR

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(I can’t think of another skin in Fortnite with quite such an elaborate headpiece. And like many skins in Fortnite, it is quite good for simply showing off.)

Head’s up display.

Many fans have asked for Loki to receive more skin styles – variants, if you will – with less obtrusive costumes from his other Marvel Cinematic Universe appearances.

It is worth saying, though, that to keep things competitive Fortnite uses the same hitbox for all of its skins. So, whether you’re using a tiny anime character or a hulking Slurp monster, you’re just as easy to shoot.

And as for Loki, well, it’s not the first time Tom Hiddlestone’s Loki has caused horny issues.

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