Fortnite fumbles with Martin Luther King tribute | Podcast

The latest Podcast is now available, in which the team discusses some of the biggest stories from the past week.

First up, we discuss reactions to Fortnite’s March Through Time, a scenario designed to explore the impact of Martin Luther King and educate a new generation about his work and iconic speech.

For all its good intentions, the mode quickly attracted criticism and even had to be modified to disable the use of dance emotes. We share our thoughts on how Epic has handled the implementation of this tribute, and the potential for educational experiences in games.

Next, we follow up on our interview with Supercell about Everdale, the Clash of Clans studio’s co-operative, “peaceful” multiplayer game — and how difficult it is to create a free-to-play, engagement-driven multiplayer title that is dominated by a certain type of player.

Finally, we use the retirement of Nintendo’s Lance Barr, the man who redesigned the NES and SNES for the West, to weigh up our favourite and least favourite console designs of all time.

You can listen to our latest episode in the player above, subscribe to our directly here. It is also available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Title music composed by Thomas Marchant. Episode mastered by Alix Attenborough.

And don’t forget to check out the latest episodes of The Game Developers’ Playlist and The Five Games Of, all episodes of which are on the same podcast feed.

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