Genshin Impact new characters in the 2.0 update and beyond

Looking for more information about the new characters coming to Genshin Impact? Since its release in 2024, the addictive anime game has seen plenty of regular updates expanding on the game’s content – and adding several new characters by way of limited time banners.

According to Mihoyo’s Genshin Impact roadmap, they aim to release new updates every six weeks – and if past experience is anything to go by, during each new patch, there will be at least one new banner with a new Genshin Impact five-star character, and possible new four-star characters included as well. That said, several new Genshin Impact characters have been added outside of this schedule, like Genshin Impact Klee – so we could see new characters arrive unexpectedly, too.

Kazuha is the latest character to join the game as part of the Genshin Impact 1.6 update, but there are also a few leaks and some datamined information concerning new characters that may appear in future Genshin Impact updates and beyond. However, until they’re officially announced, these characters are not final and may be subject to changes.

The new and upcoming Genshin Impact characters are:

Genshin Impact new characters in 1.6

Genshin Impact new character Kazuha holding a glowing samurai sword


Kaedehara Kazuha is the newest Genshin Impact character; an Anemo user who wields a sword, like a samurai. He’s available in the next Genshin Impact banner – if you’re lucky enough to pull him, check out our guide to the best Genshin Impact Kazuha build.

Genshin Impact new characters in 2.0 and beyond

Genshin Impact new character Ayaka raising a hand above her head

Kamisato Ayaka

Ayaka is a Cryo Sword user, and was playable during the first closed beta test. She’s the princess of the Kamisato House, and her profile was previously briefly available on the official Genshin Impact website, under the Monstadt section, but was later removed. Ayaka was confirmed in the Genshin Impact 2.0 livestream, alongside the release of the Inazuma region, an island nation inspired by Japan. We’ve got an Ayaka banner and abilities guide where you can find out more.

Yoimiya, one of the new characters in Genshin Impact 1.7, holding her bow


Yoimiya also has ties to the Inazuma region, and may possibly be tied to Kamisato Ayaka, appearing in some of her leaked voicelines. She is a Pyro character with a bow. Yoimiya will be joining the game in the Genshin Impact 2.0 update, after Ayaka’s banner ends. For more information, including Yoimiya’s skills, see our Yoimiya banner and abilities guide.

Genshin Impact new character Sayu, a young girl wearing a tanuki outfit


Sayu is an adorable ninja who wears a tanuki suit. Her official title, ‘Mujina Ninja’, is a Japanese term that is used to refer to either the tanuki or the Japanese badger. She’s an Anemo Claymore user – she looks a little small to be swinging a Claymore around, but we’re sure she’ll do a great job.

Sayu will join the game in the 2.0 update alongside Yoimiya in the Tapestry of Golden Flames banner. We’ve also got a Sayu banner and abilities guide if you want to know more about this character.


Gorou is another character from Inazuma – he also features in Kazuha’s voice lines. He’s a Geo Bow user, and has adorable ears and a swishy tail. Despite his comical appearance, Gorou is actually the general of the Sangonomiya troops. Gorou is a strong leader on the battlefield, becoming fierce throughout any battle he participates in. Fans are already eagerly awaiting his release.


Thoma is one of the characters confirmed to be from Inazuma. Unlike the rest of the confirmed characters, he’s one of the only NPCs to have blonde hair. Thoma is said to be very observant of people and is currently the chief retainer of the Kamisato Clan.

Yae Miko

Yae Miko was seen in the Chinese 1.5 Special Program. She’s the priest in charge of the Grand Narukami Shrine in Inazuma. She appears to be a Catalyst electro user. At the moment, the data indicates she will be an NPC when first released, but we expect her to become playable eventually. Yae Miko will meet the Traveler several times throughout the Inazuma story.

Kajou SARA

Kajou Sara is the adopted daughter of the Kujou Clan of the Tenryou Commission. She is currently the general of the Tenryou Commission. Kajou Sara is a tengu warrior and is said to have wings as dark as a raven. As a loyal servant to the Raiden Shogun, Kajou Sara will be a prominent character in the 2.0 update.

Raiden Shogun

Raiden Shogun, otherwise known as Baal, may be an Electro Polearm character. She is the Electro Archon, a member of The Seven, and Shogun of the Inazuma Bakufu. She seems relatively arrogant and self-important, based on descriptions of her by other characters. The traveler will go on a journey which explains who Raiden Shogun is pursing and guarding, as well as what she is fighting for.

Sangonomiya Kokomi

Sangonomiya Kokomi is the leader of the Sangonomiya resistance. Kokomi is described as a wise and resourceful military advisor.


Genshin Impact dataminer Dimbreath has found “barebones” data referring to a Cryo Bow user by the name of Aloy. We don’t know any more about her yet, and the name may be a placeholder.

Dainsleif, a potential new Genshin Impact character, wielding magical forces and wearing a dark blue cape


Dainsleif, the Bough Keeper, was officially announced by Mihoyo during the Tokyo Game Show – however, no release date was attached. His voice actor has been announced, but other than a potential side quest involving Dainsleif popping up in 1.3, we have no indication of when he might arrive.

Dainsleif is from Khaenri’ah, an underground realm that is not part of Teyvat itself – so perhaps one day in the future we’ll meet Dainsleif when we explore his homeland.


Yunjin is an NPC from Liyue; a dancer, singer, and brewer who works at the Heyu Tea House. We know very little else about her – leaks allege that she will be a Geo Polearm user, so we’re guessing she’ll be a four-star character.

Genshin Impact Yaoyao sharing sweets with other characters during a festival


Yaoyao is an adorable NPC who is mentioned in several characters’ voice lines. She was previously Xiangling’s junior when they both studied under the same master chef, but has now become an assistant for Genshin Impact Ganyu.

She features in the official art above, which may also give us a few hints on when she might join us in-game. The art depicts Yaoyao with Qiqi at the Mid-Autumn Festival – so her release may coincide with a festival of some kind. She’s been datamined as a four-star Dendro Catalyst user, which is intriguing, as we don’t currently have any Dendro users available yet.


Alongside Sayu, the other new character model showcased in the above tweet is purportedly Kate, an Electro Sword user from Mondstadt. That’s all we know about her for now, but we’ll let you know if we acquire more information.


Players initially believed this character was called Shenli, which is actually the Chinese reading of Ayaka’s name. However, Shenhe means god crane – so some players believe that Shenhe may be the human form of Cloud Retainer, an Adeptus NPC who lives on Mt. Aozang in Liyue. Allegedly, she’ll be a Cryo Claymore user.

Genshin Impact potential new character Baizhu, wearing glasses and sporting a white snake around his neck


Baizhu is a Genshin Impact NPC, and is the owner of Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue. He possesses a Dendro vision, which has led fans to believe that he may one day be a playable character – though we’ll have to wait for the full implementation of Dendro into the elemental reactions chart.

Genshin Impact Cyno crouching in whirling sand


Cyno was revealed in the Teyvat chapter storyline preview video – he’s a Polearm wielder from Sumeru, one of the future Genshin Impact regions we’ll be visiting in later updates.


Collei is a character from Sumeru in the Genshin Impact official manga. She was imbued with Archon residue by the seer Barnabus, but was aided by Cyno and Amber to suppress it.

Two Genshin IMpact characters under a spotlight, dressed as magicians

Lyney and Lynette

Lyney and Lynette were revealed in the same storyline preview video – they’re a pair of twins, presumably, who are dressed like magicians – they hail from Fontaine, a region inspired by France. There’s speculation that they could be recruited as a pair and can switch places with one another in battle – though that may be nothing more than a cool idea.

Potential genshin Impact new character Iansan wearing animal skulls and summoning flame


Iansan was also revealed in the Teyvat Chapter Storyline video, in the Natlan section. We believe she’s a Pyro user, but we’ll have to wait until we visit Natlan to find out more about her.

La Signora, a potential Genshin Impact new character, wearing a lace mask and black gloves


La Signora is No. 8 of the Eleven Harbingers of the Fatui, a military force from the Russia-inspired Snezhnaya region. We meet her at the end of Act 3 of the Prologue, and she’s particularly villainous – fans are hoping that, since we’ve seen her carrying a Catalyst, she may become a playable character some time in the future.

Possible new Genshin Impact character Scaramouche stroking his chin thoughtfully while standing outside a shrine


Scaramouche is No. 6 of the Fatui’s Eleven Harbingers; he introduces himself as a ‘vagrant from Inazuma’ who attempts to betray and kill the Traveller during the Unreconciled Stars event: Star of Destiny. Players believe that he will eventually be a playable character, and speculate that he may be a Electro Catalyst user.


Il Dottore is another of the Eleven Harbingers. His name means ‘The Doctor’, but based on his appearance in the official manga, he’s more interested in using people for research and experimentation.


Pulcinella is the 5th of the Eleven Fatui Harbingers – all that is known about them is that they conscripted Tartaglia into the Fatui after he re-emerged from the Abyss.

These are all the new Genshin Impact characters that we believe have a reasonable chance of turning up in game, but as we learn more about the Genshin Impact lore, we’ll add new candidates as we discover them. Enough wishful thinking – time to focus on the characters you’ve already got; here are the best Genshin Impact characters for beginners, and the best Genshin Impact weapons to kit them out with.

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