Want to know more about the Genshin Impact Sayu banner? It’s not long now until Genshin Impact 2.0 releases, and with it, the archipelago of Inazuma and its many colourful characters. We’ve seen Ayaka, a noble sword-wielding princess, and Yoimiya, a firework-crafting archer, but we’ve also got a third character on the way. Sayu might not seem like much, but this pint-sized Anemo ninja is a master of sneakiness and Inazuma’s Yoohoo arts.
Genshin Impact’s Sayu resides in Shiyuumatsu-Ban where she spends most of her days looking for hiding spots in which to nap. She believes her small stature is due to a lack of sleep, though seemingly not a lack of strength, because despite her size Sayu wields a claymore. When you also take into account her powerful Bennett-esque elemental burst, she might be the most versatile of Inazuma’s three new characters.
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