Halo Infinite Multiplayer’s First Technical Preview Could be Coming Very Soon

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343 Industries confirmed following Halo Infinite’s multiplayer reveal at E3 that the first of the game’s betas (or technical previews) would be launching this Summer. Over the last couple of weeks, the developer has said on multiple occasions that more details on the technical previews are going to be coming soon, and now, it seems like we’re getting closer to when it actually launches.

In the most recent Halo Insider blog post, 343 Industries said that while the studio still hasn’t nailed down the exact date for when the first technical preview will go live, based on how things are developing right now, the beta – which will be focused on bots – might go live as early as next weekend.

“The release of this blog means we’re getting very close but flighting itself is a fluid process, we need to ensure we’ve successfully cleared our final gate before we’re officially a go,” the blog reads. “That said, we’ve been given the okay to say our first Bot-focused technical preview could happen as soon as next weekend. Prior to the flight starting, we’re planning a live stream where we’ll dive into the actual build and walk through nearly every facet of the technical preview. Stay tuned.”

Halo Infinite is due out this Holiday for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC. An exact release date is yet to be nailed down, but 343 Industries is apparently committed to hitting that launch window. Rumours suggest the game could launch in November.

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