Here’s some Marvel’s Avengers Wakanda concept art •

New artwork shows off four new “explorable locations”.

Crystal Dynamics has shared some of the environmental art that helped conceptualise the environments for its next big expansion, Black Panther – War for Wakanda.

The artwork shows off four “explorable locations of Wakanda” that are coming to the free content that drops next month.

“The Play Avengers team showed us some Wakanda Concept Art!” the company declared on its social media channels. “Here are the four that show some explorable locations of Wakanda (we will be able to explore parts of the city and the outskirts)!”

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In the same stream, the team also revealed that “every object we could interact with in Marvel’s Avengers “will have their own look in the War for Wakanda expansion, including new Chests and Wall Run platforms, and showed off the games’ “verticality“, too.

ICYMI, Marvel’s Avengers’ big update permits players to team up with others that are using the same Hero. The change came after positive fan feedback to a time-limited mode that permitted fans to play multiple of the same Hero during matchmaking.

A bug that displayed IP addresses on-screen in Marvel’s Avengers was swiftly addressed last month. The issue affected Marvel’s Avengers on PlayStation 5 after an update went live and left streamers saying they couldn’t play until the issue was resolved.

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