Instinction Might Just Be The Dino Crisis Game You Have Been Waiting For

Instinction Might Just Be The Dino Crisis Game You Have Been Waiting For

Whatever Instinction ends up being, it’s impossible to ignore the appetite for this sort of game at this point. With Turok and Dino Crisis seemingly stuck in an ice age of their own, it’s a huge untapped market that will absolutely reward the first developer that can come through with a satisfying game that does the things it needs to do to activate the Dino Crisis audience and please modern gaming sensibilities at the same time.

The fact that Capcom has left that door open for so long without walking through it themselves is to their own detriment, and it’s money that they could clearly be making right now, but perhaps it’s best left in the hands of somebody else with fresher ideas. Perhaps the spirit of Dino Crisis is better off being imitated and evolved upon by a newer studio rather than bottled up in the same IP with all of the sky-high expectations that would involve. Perhaps Instinction just might be the Dino Crisis game we’ve been waiting for.


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