Knockout City Season 2 Will Add New Map, Ball Type, Contracts, and Lots More

Knockout City PS4 PlayStation 4 1

Knockout City really won us over in its opening days, but it’s one of those games that’s going to be constantly changing and evolving over time. The dodgeball-inspired multiplayer title is a real treat, and we’ve been enjoying the new playlists introduced throughout Season 1, but what’s heading our way in Season 2?

Developer Velan Studios has shared a content roadmap for the title, and it looks as though brawlers will have plenty to look forward to:

Knockout City Roadmap PS4

As you can see, Season 2 appears to be throwing in all kinds of new bits and bobs; we’re getting a new arena to do battle in, a new special ball type, new contracts to complete, and of course, a fresh set of playlists to try. The second season will start in just under a month’s time on 27th July, and we’re certainly looking forward to checking out all the additions. You can also see Seasons 3 and 4 teased on the roadmap for fall and winter respectively, so there’s going to be new stuff coming to Knockout City right to the end of the year at least.

In the meantime, Season 1 is hosting Heatwave, an in-game event that’s populated each map with a set of collectable Ice Pops. Gathering these and competing in matches earns you special tickets you can trade in for cosmetic items exclusive to the event, so give it a look if you want some summery gear.

Are you still enjoying Knockout City on PlayStation 4? Pull off a curve shot in the comments section below.

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