Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy cinematic shows Grand Unifier Raker

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Grand Unifier Raker

Publisher Square Enix and developer Eidos Montreal have shared another cinematic look at Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy that showcases Grand Unifier Raker. 

Here’s a brief introduction from Square Enix:

Meet Grand Unifier Raker, the leader of the Universal Church of Truth, a mysterious organization intent on bringing their so-called “Promise” to the whole galaxy. Self-righteousness ain’t gonna fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy. Will they live up to their name?

We have the cinematic in full below.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy - Grand Unifier Raker Cinematic

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Cloud Version arrives for Switch on October 26. In case you missed it, you can check out the cinematic for Lady Hellbender here.

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