Syberia: The World Before brings back Benoit Sokal’s strange world in December

The Syberia games are graphic adventures, developed by Microids under the direction of the late Benoit Sokal, that follow the journeys of a young woman named Kate Walker through a surreal, semi-realistic world. The first two games in the series, released in 2002 and 2004, are very well regarded. The third, which arrived after a long delay in 2017, is most definitely not—in fact, we said in our 30% review that “it would have been better if the series had ended with Kate waving goodbye to Hans as he rode off on his mammoth” at the end of Syberia 2.

Later this year, developer Microids will take another crack at wrapping things up in a way that doesn’t suck with Syberia: The World Before, which is now set to arrive on December 10. 

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