The Witcher: Monster Slayer release date and the rest you need to know | Articles

A few weeks ago, CD Projekt finally revealed a host of information related to The Witcher: Monster Slayer and its release date.

Last year in August, CD Projekt had revealed that their development team was actively working on The Witcher: Monster Slayer and, since then, the fans have been eagerly waiting for this RPG to launch.

Right after the announcement, within a month, the devs soft-launched the game for iOS devices in New Zealand. Players didn’t have to pre-register for the game and the launch was strictly restricted to the region.

The Witcher Monster Slayer release date announcement

What is The Witcher: Monster Slayer?

If you are not familiar with the game and the story related to it, then let us talk you through it. The Witcher: Monster Slayer’s story revolves around The Witcher’s universe, which is based on a collection of books by Andrzej Sapkowski.

The game is currently being developed by Spooko, a subsidiary of CD Projekt. Well, The Witcher: Monster Slayer is not the first game from the publisher that’s based on the books. There are multiple titles that draw from these novels that are available across various platforms.

The Witcher: Monster Slayer, specifically, is an AR role-playing game where you explore an unknown and mysterious place, tackling dangerous monsters as you progress. During this hunt, your aim is to become an elite monster hunter. Each part has twists and unfolds a new dark fantasy adventure.

In simpler words, all you have to do is hunt monsters in an unknown and challenging world and collect trophies after defeating them while enjoying and exploring the augmented reality. Easy right?

When is the official The Witcher: Monster Slayer release date?

According to the recent information from the publishers, The Witcher: Monster Slayer will officially be available for download on both Google Play and the App Store from the 21st July 2024 onwards. The game will have a full-fledged release, which is a relief for the players who haven’t pre-registered yet. Of course, the players who have pre-registered the game long ago will get notified about the availability.

What are the controls and mechanics in The Witcher: Monster Slayer?

As per the information and first look at the gameplay, the controls are quite straightforward and should be easy to get to grips with. The majority of the gameplay can be controlled by tap and swipe actions and there might be a few other control options to discover after the release.

The primary controls and actions are kind of similar to other RPG titles such as Elder Scrolls. If you already have experience of playing such games then mastering the controls of The Witcher: Monster Slayer won’t be a difficult task.

Is it free-to-play?

The Witcher: Monster Slayer uses a free-to-play model with in-app purchases. The items available in the game are not mandatory to purchase. As an RPG title, there will be various IAPs that will be essential while completing the stories or missions.

Can we play The Witcher: Monster Slayer on PC?

At the moment, there’s no support for Android applications to run on PC without the help of emulators, it might be possible. As the game is yet to release, it is hard to say if the emulators will support it. Moreover, the game is based on AR (Augmented Reality) which is an interactive experience designed only for smartphones, the emulator support can be confirmed only after the release.

If it does, we will make sure to put out a piece on how to run the game on an emulator. You can also take a look at the table below which shows the minimum requirements to run an emulator on a PC.

  Minimum Recommended
OS Win 7 above Win 10
Processor Intel/AMD Intel/AMD

There are also other short queries on the game, we have tried our best to answer them by collecting information from trusted and legitimate sources.

Is there a PvP mode in The Witcher: Monster Slayer?

With all the information we have collected, there is no mention of PvP mode by the developers. Although the players are quite actively searching for and demanding the feature, currently the game has no plan to introduce it.

Can we play The Witcher: Monster Slayer offline?

The Witcher: Monster Slayer requires a good and active internet connection to run smoothly. So, the answer to the question is no, it can’t be played offline.

Can we download the game before the release?

Although there are multiple gameplay videos on YouTube, officially the game is set to release on July 21st. So, if you see any files are links that claim to give you the game before the release are mostly fake.

Is The Witcher: Monster Slayer pay to win?

At the moment it is hard to answer if the game is pay to win. It’s always a potential problem with a game that involves a lot of microtransactions and players are also stating this on various social media platforms but it can be confirmed after the game releases.

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