Twitch lowers UK subscription pricing •

Time to horde more custom emotes. 

Twitch will lower the cost of Tier 1 subscriptions in the UK from £4.99 to £3.99, starting this week.

The change is part of a wider programme to introduce local pricing relative to the cost of living and exchange rates in every region.

Under the existing pricing structure, UK subscribers were paying approximately $7 USD per sub, significantly higher than the $4.99 paid by Americans. The new price is therefore much fairer to subscribers outside the United States.

The rollout of local pricing has also arrived in the rest of Europe, with most EU member states now paying €3.99 per sub. In July the pricing structure also arrived in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

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However, not everyone is happy with this change. Some creators argue they will see a significant loss in revenue thanks to the lower prices outside America. Twitch disagrees, arguing more affordable prices will encourage more viewers to become subscribers over time, therefore increasing revenue.

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