VIZ reveals product description for Animal Crossing: Deserted Island Diary manga which is due 14th September

VIZ Media have revealed the product description for the English version of the Animal Crossing: Deserted Island Diary manga, which is scheduled to be released very soon here in the west. You can expect to see the English version of the Animal Crossing: Deserted Island Diary manga, which stars four humans – a princess (Himepoyo), a bookworm (Benben), a jokester (Coroyuki), and an always sleepy Guchan – who move to a deserted island, release on Tuesday, 14 September. While this is the only Animal Crossing manga volume translated for western audience, you can expect to see the other volumes if this proves to be a success for all involved. The Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Deserted Island Diary is written and drawn by Kokonasu Rumba who worked on the Yo-Kai Watch manga series.

“In the global phenomena video game Animal Crossing, gamers are used to having one human islander live in the video game. Now, the game’s first official English graphic novel Animal Crossing New Horizons—Deserted Island Diary offers a new special twist with four islanders living with Tom Nook and fan-favorite villagers. Join the humorous Coroyuki, princess Himepoyo, scholar Benben, and sleepy Guchan as they indulge in the island paradise. From collecting bells to creating their dream home, these four islanders give first-time and frequent fans a new unforgettable experience!”

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