Where to find Raimei Angelfish locations

So, you’ve already collected Medaka, and you’ve got lots of Golden Koi and Rusty Koi as well. All that’s left before you can obtain The Catch polearm is the Raimei Angelfish. Mind you, it’s an extremely rare creature. Likewise, you can only lure it if you have False Worm Bait (10x of this item requires 1x Slime Condensate and 1x Berry). Anyway, here’s our Genshin Impact guide to help you find Raimei Angelfish locations in Teyvat.

Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub, as well as our version 2.1 overview. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for Genshin Impact’s fishing mechanics.


Genshin Impact fishing guide — Where to find Raimei Angelfish

As far as I know, there’s only one location in Genshin Impact where you could find Raimei Angelfish. We’re going to head to a Fishing Point in the Inazuma region. Specifically, it’s the one that’s east of Kujou Encampment/Tatarasuna.

If you use the teleporter with the Waverider waypoint at the eastern part of the island, you’ll notice an area with a shipwreck. The problem is that there are 4x Cryo Slimes and 1x Electro Abyss Mage waiting for you. Because you’re surrounded by a body of water, it can be tough to take out enemies. My suggestion would be to stand on the wooden planks near the mast, all while trying to get your opponents close to you for an AoE nuke.

Genshin Impact Raimei Angelfish Locations Where To Find Raimei Angelfish 1

After eliminating the hostiles, adjust the in-game clock until it’s nighttime (1800 to 0600) to make the Raimei Angelfish spawn. At the moment, there are only three and, with a three-day respawn rate, you’re going to have to wait until you obtain the six that you need for The Catch’s blueprint.

Remember, the Raimei Angelfish can be tough to acquire. You’re going to need to play the minigame carefully, or they might escape. Anyway, you can take a look at our separate guide for The Catch to learn more about the weapon itself, including its refinement material.

Genshin Impact Raimei Angelfish Locations Where To Find Raimei Angelfish 1b

Genshin Impact is available via its official website. For more information, check out our guides and features hub.

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