You can soon dunk on everyone as Lebron James in Fortnite

LeBron James easily qualifies as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, though whether he is the greatest is an argument we’ll happily skip. The good news is that if you happen to be a fan of LeBron James, you can buy his Fortnite skin this week just ahead of the release of Space Jam: A New Legacy. It’s not just one skin either. You’ll be able to pick up several looks along with an emote, some back bling, a pickaxe, and more.

Epic Games released a short trailer to hype up the arrival of LeBron James in Fortnite and display his exclusive offerings. The skin variants actually look pretty sick and provide a few distinct looks. If you’d like to be casual and express your equal love of tacos, sure. Want to go full King James with an urban look and gold crown? You sure can. There’s also a full get-up for the Tune Squad from Space Jam: A New Legacy. It’s a little disappointing we can’t don the signature jerseys of the teams LeBron grew famous playing for, but who knows, maybe that can still happen if these skins sell well enough.


As for the emote, it’s described as The Silencer. That doesn’t exactly reveal much, though perhaps it makes more sense to basketball fans. You’ll also be able to get the Lion pickaxe and the Wingspan glider. The pickaxe features two lion heads, while the Wingspan glider looks like black and gold wings composed of a shard-like material.

When does it hit the court?

If you want to get your hands on these LeBron James items, jump on Fortnite on Wednesday, July 14, at 8 PM ET to find them in the shop. It should come as a bundle, and it likely won’t be cheap. You’ll also likely have at least a week to pick up the LeBron James skin, so don’t fret. If you’re looking for more unique looks, there’s also the Loki Marvel skin that’s part of the monthly Crew Pack.

If you’re interested in becoming one of the greatest Fortnite players in respect to playing as one of the greatest basketball players, check out our Season 7 guides hub to get familiar with all of the ins and outs in the game right now.

Fortnite Lebron James Skin


Fortnite Lebron James Emote Pickaxe Back Bling

PC Invasion – FeedDDD

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