People selling emblem codes online is nothing new but with Bungie Day right around the corner, there is a small warning from the studio to try to save Destiny 2 players a couple of bucks. The long and short of it? Don’t buy the Spicy Ramen Coupon emblem. It’s not a scam in relation to phishing info, it’s just a crappy thing to do with a gift that’s meant to be free for the community.
The senior community manager for Bungie took to Twitter to do two things: warn players against paying money for something that is going to be free, and to ask dataminers to please — for the millionth time — stop spoiling surprise content.
Don’t buy the Spicy Ramen Coupon emblem.
It’s meant to be a free gift on Bungie Day, from us to you.
Dataminers – please stop spoiling content, whether it be story or emblem codes. I know it can be exciting to be the first person with cool info, but please respect the fun.
— dmg04 (@A_dmg04) June 20, 2024
With Bungie Day just around the corner next month, the freebie being spoiled and then sold does kind of suck. I’m assuming he is also referencing the many leaks that occur within the community, including a massively egregious one that pertains to the current ongoing storyline that we opted out of covering out of respect for the creative team.
For those that are currently enjoying Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer, the story has been getting immersively intense. The journey thus far has given us a unique perspective into the world of the Fallen and even has us confronting the parts of our own Guardian history to challenge what we thought we knew. For those that may be looking for a small refresher, we broke down a particularly meaningful turning point in the current questline, which you can read here, concerning our own Saint-14 and what it means when your perception turns out to be anything but what you thought was the truth.
With Bungie celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and with more lore explorations on the horizon concerning a certain song, it will be interesting to see what the studio has in store for the road ahead. Now that Bungie itself has confirmed that at least one of those celebrations will be continuing on the Spicy Ramen tradition, we’re looking forward to seeing what else this year’s festivities will have to offer.
Game Informer
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