Here’s the first teaser trailer for Netflix’s animated Witcher movie, Nightmare of the Wolf •

Netflix’s animated Witcher movie, Nightmare of the Wolf, will officially arrive on 23rd August, and there’s a first look at its action in a new teaser trailer to celebrate the news.

Announced back at the start of last year, Nightmare of the Wolf focusses on Geralt of Rivia’s friend and mentor Vesemir, and is set “long before” the two meet. In fact, previous word from Netflix suggests it’ll wind the action all the way back to the start of Vesemir’s journey as a Witcher, “after the mysterious Deglan claims him through the Law of Surprise”.

And if that’s left you sufficiently intrigued, you can see Netflix’s first teaser trailer for Nightmare of the Wolf below. Animation is being handled by Studio Mir – the team behind Legend of Korra – while Lauren S. Hissrich and Beau DeMayo, respectively showrunner and writer on the main live-action Witcher series, are both involved.

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Nightmare of the Wolf is one of three known Witcher projects currently in the works at Netflix – the others being the main Henry-Cavill-starring live-action show and a six-part live-action limited series, set 1,200 years before the events of the former. As such, Nightmare of the Wolf will sit squarely between the two from a chronological perspective.

The Witcher: WitcherCon – Inside Kaer Morhen.

Blood Origin is still some way off but Nightmare of the Wolf comes to Netflix on 23rd August, and Season 2 of The Witcher TV series has now been confirmed to arrive on 17th December.

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