New The Great Ace Attorney gameplay trailer shows you the ropes

As the release of The Great Ace Attorney approaches, Capcom is going all out for new and old fans alike. For those unaware of Ace Attorney and its iconic gameplay elements, Capcom released a new gameplay trailer going over some of the basic mechanics.

It’s a treat to see more of this spin-off and the different setting compared to the original Ace Attorney games. Since our favorite spiky-haired defense attorney won’t be making a return anytime soon, we got his late ancestor instead. I’m for one ready to see our new British lawyers take control of the Ace Attorney zeitgeist.


Eureka! A new trailer!

The gameplay trailer goes over the basic elements found in Ace Attorney. Each “level” brings a new murder mystery to solve, with an investigation segment and a trial segment. During an investigation, players must locate pieces of evidence to help defend their clients. Meanwhile, during a trial, players will cross-examine and press witnesses, pointing out any lies with evidence gathered during the investigation.

We also see a glimpse of the new jury system. We’ve never seen a traditional jury in Ace Attorney before (unless you count Apollo Justice), making this a fresh new experience for veterans. The jury system functions similarly to the multi-witness mechanic in Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. We’ll have to cross-examine multiple witnesses (or jurors) at the same time, rather than the usual one at a time.

There are new elements to investigations, as well. There’s the usual investigating in crime scenes, where players must find crucial pieces of evidence to use in court. But we also get a glimpse at Course Correction, in which the player has to rein in the outlandish conclusions of the detective Herlock Sholmes.

We’ll be defending clients and solving mysteries when the game drops on July 27. You can pre-order the game through Steam.

PC Invasion – FeedDDD

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