Quick update on our RSS feed and open positions

Hello! I have a quick site update to share with you all.

I’m not sure how many of you use RSS feeds these days, but ours was recently updated to include photos. If you use something like Feedly (or any other RSS reader), the featured image for each post should finally appear. A few of you requested this in the past, and since I figured it’d be easy enough to implement, I’ve been slightly reworking our RSS feed over the past few days. Nothing ever comes easy and we had to clear a few unforeseen backend issues, but I believe everything should be running properly now. If this isn’t working for you for whatever reason, shoot us an email and we’ll try to troubleshoot.

I also wanted to provide a quick update regarding the call for open positions back in August. We’ve been making good progress, but I’ll ask everyone for their patience in knocking things out there. There’s been a lot happening as of late between Gamescom, various indie live streams, showcases, and more. That’s been taking up a lot of time, along with my many other daily/weekly responsibilities. I think you all know that it’s extremely rare for me to talk about myself in any way since I always put the focus on Nintendo news, but I’ll just say outright that I’m feeling very exhausted. In any case, I’m hoping to have a final resolution with the open positions within the next couple of weeks or so – we’ll follow up with those that we’ll be moving forward with. Thank you for your patience!

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