Want to know more about the Rainbow Six Extraction operators? Those familiar with Rainbow Six Siege will recognise all of the operators in the latest Extraction trailer, and their gadgets are almost the same ones they use in the competitive shooter, so you should feel right at home if you’re used to Sledge’s hammer or Alibi’s holographic decoys.
That said, there are key differences between the two games. Sure, the gadgets are the same ones found in Siege, but how they interact with the environment and what they do to the enemies that stand between you and safety has changed a little bit. Weapon loadouts are also not exactly the same. So while operators like Ela may only choose from a SMG and a shotgun in Siege, here she also can use Zofia’s LMG. In Extraction, if operators are from the same organisation, they share weapon pools, so FBI operators Pulse and Thermite can use each other’s weapons.
While we wait for news about the Rainbow Six Extraction release date, here is the lowdown on every Rainbow Six Extraction operator, including their stats, gadgets, and even the names of their locked abilities
Rainbow Six Extraction operators
Here are the confirmed Rainbow Six Extraction operators joining the roster so far:
- Speed – 3 / 5
- Armor – 1 / 5
Gadget: X-Kairos
Fires explosive that remotely detonates and sticks to all surfaces. It ignores enemy carapace.
Locked ability: Stronger Recovery
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 3 / 5
- Armor – 1 / 5
Gadget: Grzmot Mine
Throws sticky proximity mines that stun any enemies caught in the blast. These mines recharge over time.
Locked ability: Healthy Hand
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 2 / 5
- Armor – 2 / 5
Gadget: Tactical Hammer
Equips a tactical hammer which can stun enemies and destroy walls to create new paths.
Locked ability: Healthy Hand
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 1 / 5
- Armor – 3 / 5
Gadget: Health Shots
Fires his Stim Pistol to heal or revive himself or his teammates when they are downed.
Locked ability: Stronger Recovery
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 3 / 5
- Armor – 1 / 5
Gadget: ERC-8 Disruptor
Disrupts enemies making Vigil undetectable for a short duration. It can be used again after a cooldown.
Locked ability: Gear Up
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 3 / 5
- Armor – 1 / 5
Gadget: Prisma
Throws decoys which attract any enemies in the area. Enemies attacking the decoy become scanned.
Locked ability: Enhanced Reflexes
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 2 / 5
- Armor – 2 / 5
Gadget: Adrenal Surge
Temporarily boosts team response and survival. Revives any downed teammates and prevents KO.
Locked ability: Resilient Revival
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 2 / 5
- Armor – 2 / 5
Gadget: EE-One-D Drone
Detects all moving enemies in the area for a short duration. It can be used again after a cooldown.
Locked ability: Stronger Recovery
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
- Speed – 3 / 5
- Armor – 1 / 5
Gadget: Cardiac Sensor
Detects VIPs, MIAs, and Nests through obstacles.
Locked ability: Healthy Hand
We currently do not know what this locked ability does.
Unconfirmed Rainbow Six Extraction operators
Aside from the nine operators that we know about, several more can be seen during the montage at the end of the deep dive trailer. We can’t 100% confirm the identity of every single operator that is shown, but we think we have a good handle on the majority of them. For each one, we’ve put a time stamp on their name so you can see for yourself.
- Capitão – appears firing his crossbow for a brief second
- Tachanka – appears twice in the trailer, firstly running and secondly using a mounted turret
- Thermite – is one of the two operators shooting mutants towards the end of the trailer. He’s the GIGN operator on the left
- Frost – has a large collar and a lower face mask. Only a couple of shots to go from, but we’re reasonably confident that it’s her
- Jäger or Bandit – We’ve narrowed the operator from this moment down to these two, but we’re more convinced it’s Jäger. There’s definitely a German flag on their arm and they’re wearing a pilot’s helmet
- Gridlock – one of the two operators shooting mutants towards the end of the trailer. She’s the one with short hair and short sleeves on the right
- Caveira – we’re less confident about the two who appear at the beginning of the montage, but we think that the operator on the right is Caveira
React Tech
Each one of the Extraction operators also gets access to a secondary gadget, or React Tech, that they equip to a specific slot. You have two slots in which you can equip this tech, and they’re new for Extraction – they’re not the same gadgets that you’ll see in Siege.
Here are all of the currently known Rainbow Six Extraction react tech gadgets:
Recon Drone
Remotely gather intelligence by manually scanning Objectives, Archæans and refill sources in camera view. Drone recharges every 30 seconds when disabled or can be resupplied at a React Tech supply case.
Explosive Harness
Increase your explosive carrying capacity. Deploy with 2 additional React Explosives.
Ammo Satchel
Deploy with 50% more ammo. Applies to primary and secondary weapons only.
Body Armor
Always fall to DBNO while wearing body armor. Incoming damage reduces by 20%. React Tech supply case replenishes and reapplies body armor.
That’s everything we know about Rainbow Six Extraction so far. The new R6 game may be taking the spotlight right now, but Siege is, of course, still immensely popular and seeing constant updates. We’ve got a Rainbow Six Siege Year 6 roadmap, which has info on Rainbow Six Siege North Star release date, and the new operator Thunderbird. There’s also a list of the best Rainbow Six Siege operators available so you know which ones to pick for each side.
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