Shin Megami Tensei V daily demon vol. 074

Atlus is back with another Shin Megami Tensei V video to show off the game’s latest confirmed demon, Kushinada-Hime. The demon has appeared since the series’ very first entry.

Learn more about Kushinada-Hime and its history below thanks to the Megami Tensei Wiki:

In Japanese mythology, Kushinada-Hime (櫛名田比売 in Kojiki or 奇稲田姫 in Nihonshoki), or simply Kushinada, was the daughter of two lesser gods of the Kunitsu, Ashinazuchi and Tenazuchi. She would later become the wife of the god of storms, Susano-o.

According to the Shinto legend, after Susano-o was expelled from Heaven, he encountered two weeping earthly deities near a river in the Izumo Province. After asking why they wept, they explained that they had to give the Orochi one of their daughters every year to prevent his violent rampage, and now they must sacrifice their eighth and final daughter, Kushinada.

Susano-o was taken aback by Kushinada’s astounding beauty and asked for her hand in marriage. Kushinada agreed that if he could defeat the Orochi, she would be his bride. Susano-o then transformed her into a comb and placed her in his hair to hide her from the Orochi.

After Susano-o had tricked and defeated the Orochi, he built a grand palace in Izumo where he and Kushinada were married. Together they produced Yashimashinumo, who is considered the ancestor of Okuninushi.

Come see the Shin Megami Tensei V daily demon video featuring Kushinada-Hime below.

Shin Megami Tensei V will be available for Switch on November 12. Previous demon videos are up here.

Nintendo Everything

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