Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower’s latest expansion, Fyre and Sorcery, is now available in the turn-based strategy game | Articles

Today, developer Perchang has released another expansion for their turn-based strategy game, Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower. It is called Fyre and Sorcery and introduces a bunch of new weapons, stories, objectives and bosses alongside two new champions.

We’ll start with those new champions. The first is Fyreslayer Hearthguard, who wields a powerful magmapike into battle. The second is the Sorceress, who can use powerful magic to defeat her foes. Both of these champions have their own set of skills and weapons to utilise in battle.

Beyond that, players will find that the game’s existing roster of champions has received an upgrade with the arrival of new weapons. There are over 50 additional weapons and items in the latest update. They range from flaming bows to obsidian blades that can land multiple hits in a quick flurry. With so many new additions, there’s bound to be something to suit each playstyle.

Elsewhere, the main campaign has received a new upgrade to improve the experience of battling through it. There are now additional story beats to enjoy, more stage objectives to complete, and extra bosses lurking with the Tower to defeat.

If you’re unfamiliar with Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, it is a turn-based strategy game set in the Age of Sigmar universe and sees players crawling their way through a series of dungeons. It boasts a lengthy campaign with over 200 battles to overcome. So, you’ll need to summon a team of Warhammer champions to help you in those fights. Each promises a distinct skillset and playstyle.

Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower is available now over on the App Store and Google Play. It is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases.

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