What is the current and next Genshin Impact banner?

Wondering what the next Genshin Impact banner is? Genshin Impact banners adhere to a pretty regular schedule. Each update arrives with a new banner that lasts around three weeks, and after it expires, it’s followed by a second banner which also lasts roughly three weeks, at which point it’s update time once again.

This means even though we hear rumours of new Genshin Impact characters arriving in forthcoming updates, we won’t know their exact release date until we know which banner they will be a part of, and whether it’ll be the first or second banner in the update. Occasionally, banners don’t stick to this schedule – most notably, update 1.3 had three two-week banners, so that Hu Tao’s banner didn’t cross over with the Chinese New Year.

Typically, each limited character banner – or Event Wish – contains a five-star character, and three four-star characters. There’s also a Weapon banner – Epitome Invocation – which runs alongside each character banner, and features different weapons each time. Here’s everything you need to know about the current and upcoming Genshin Impact banners.

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Genshin Impact Current Event Banner

The current Character Event Wish is Leaves in the Wind. It runs between June 29 and July 20. The featured characters in this banner are:

Genshin Impact current weapon banner

The featured items in the current Epitome Invocation are:

  • Freedom-Sworn
  • Skyward Atlas
  • The Alley Flash
  • Wine and Song
  • Alley Hunter
  • Favonius Greatsword
  • Dragon’s Bane

Ayaka striking a combat pose against a pale blue background

Genshin Impact upcoming Event Banners

What’s the next Character Event Wish after Kazuha? According to Genshin Impact dataminer Lumie, first up in the Genshin Impact 1.7 update will be the Ayaka banner on July 21, followed by the Yoimiya banner/Sayu banner on August 10. This is, however, not yet confirmed.

Related: get free primogems with these Genshin Impact codes

We’ll let you know as soon as new Genshin Impact banners are revealed, but for now, we’ve got a guide to the new Genshin Impact Inazuma region, plus Genshin Impact hangout guides, and the best Genshin Impact builds for each character.

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