There’s so much to do in GTA Online these days that you could quite comfortably play it for the rest of your life and still fail to unlock everything it has to offer. That’s not stopping some industrious players from strapping rubber bands to their DualShock 4 analogue sticks in order to grind out Tuner RP in the new LS Car Meet.
Here’s the thing: the Los Santos Tuners update adds a brand-new progression bar with 1,000 levels. There are some really cool cosmetics locked behind these ranks, including new clothes and car modifications. However, the only way to earn it is by competing in the new Street Race Series, test driving vehicles in the parking lot, and, well, walking around the LS Car Meet a lot.
Seeing as 15 minutes of inactivity will boot you from a GTA Online lobby, sneaky players have figured out that if they tape up their controllers, they can continue to grind out Tuner RP even when they’re away from their console. The result, of course, is utterly bizarre – especially when you end up in a lobby filled with people spinning in circles.
Rockstar must have predicted players would resort to these tactics when designing the new social space, and while the environmental concern is legitimate, the publisher will probably see this as a win as its player retention metrics spike. If you’d like to point and laugh at people walking in circles, you can find out How to Find the LS Car Meet and Become a Member in our GTA Online guide.
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