Far Cry 6 DLC puts you into the shoes of the biggest villains from the series

The Far Cry 6 DLC included in its Season Pass won’t involve the game’s new villain, played by Giancarlo Esposito, but will instead star three villains from Far Crys past: Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3), Pagan Min (Far Cry 4), and Joseph Seed (Far Cry 5). The original actors have returned to play them, except this time their voices will be your voice.

We’ll “delve into these iconic villain’s twisted minds, uncover their backstories, battle their inner demons, and reunite with familiar faces,” says Ubisoft. Without really explaining it, the company calls this Far Cry 6 add-on a “new Far Cry gameplay experience in which you will have to die… and retry.” Sounds like they might be short episodes that are meant to be replayed several times?

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