Genshin Impact Yoimiya banner: Everything we know

The Genshin Impact Yoimiya banner is the one I’m most looking forward to, despite Ayaka being Inazuma’s headline character. I’m not alone, either. The five-star firework crafting archer has caught the attention of Genshin fans everywhere, partly due to her fun character design and animations, but also her potential utility as a ranged Pyro DPS. So what do we know about Yoimiya? 

She’s the owner of Naganohara fireworks and is a skilled pyrotechnician who crafts the ordnance used during Inazuma City’s celebrations, hence her nickname, ‘Queen of the Summer Festival’. We also know that during the Genshin Impact 2.0 Archon quest, Ayaka is going to direct us to Yoimiya as part of our mission to overthrow the Raiden Shogun’s vision hunt decree. 

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