Alongside the excellent news that Metroid Dread is blasting onto Nintendo Switch this October, yesterday’s Nintendo Direct also revealed the existence of two brand new Metroid amiibo – a new Samus figure and the terrifying E.M.M.I.
The presentation stopped short of telling us how these figures can be used in-game, but their functionality has now been revealed thanks to a listing on Gamestop of all places.
First up, the new Samus figure can be scanned in to give you an extra energy tank to increase your health by 100. After that, you can continue to scan her in once a day to receive health. The E.M.M.I figure works similarly, granting you a Missile+ tank on its first scan, increasing Samus’ missile capacity by 10. From there, you can scan it once per day to replenish your missiles.
The figures are launching in a double-pack alongside the game on 10th October – you’ll find pre-order options below. Pre-orders for the game itself can also be found here.
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Will you be picking up the amiibo to complement your game time? Or have you run out of room for more of these delightful-yet-painfully-numerous collectables? Let us know in the comments.
Thanks to James for the tip!
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