Summer Games Done Quick breaks its online record by raising nearly 3 million dollars

This year’s Summer Games Done Quick raised a total of $2,897,704 for Doctors Without Borders, after seven days of events—beating their record for money raised during previous online-only streams.

For those not familiar with Summer Games Done Quick, much of this money was raised through bidding wars (to choose things like character and save file names), and donating to hit challenge goals that would change the rules of a speedrun. So one bidder donated $155.73 to name the Inquisitor for a Dragon Age: Inquisition run “Bingus” (with bids for “Anders”, “Doggy” and “Honk” being unsuccessful names but very much still donations), but a collective $51,038.82 was also raised to have Celeste be played with a catgirl mod. Because, quote, “Yes… Celeste is good. But what if Catgirl Madeline?”

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