All You Need To Know About The New Guardians Of The Galaxy Game

Illustration for article titled The New Guardians Of The Galaxy Game: 8 Details You Might Have Missed

Screenshot: Square Enix / Kotaku

As seen in the films, comics, and elsewhere, the Guardians of the Galaxy might be a powerful team of superheroes and aliens, but they aren’t the most cohesive or uh, well-adjusted bunch of folks. They often argue or bicker over decisions and prank each other between combat.

During some moments, the player will be able to choose what Star-Lord says or does. Your different choices will be logged by the game and your fellow heroes will remember things you have said or done later on. It all reminded me a lot of Telltale’s Guardians of the Galaxy game, which isn’t a bad thing at all! In fact, I’m happy to see this new Marvel game leaning into the family aspect of the Guardians so much, and not just focusing on action.


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